©照片| ebm-papst, Gernot Walter



在英国一家大型投资银行的数据中心,服务器每天处理数量惊人的敏感数据。可靠就是一切,失败不是一个选项。因此,良好的冷却是必不可少的。大约76个空调机组确保这项工作完成得很好。就在2006年,设施管理供应商在该行的数据中心安装了新的空调设备。仅仅五年后,艾默生网络电源(专注于业务关键流程的服务)建议用ebm-papst的高效GreenTech EC风扇替换皮带驱动的AC风扇,客户立即感兴趣。厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔实时比分“我们的客户通常对数据中心的项目非常开放,因为这些房间使用大量的能源,而且节省的潜力非常大,”埃必安派特英国分部经理Helen McHugh解释道。因此,在这种情况下,客户决定进行升级。当从交流风扇切换到高效EC风扇时,艾默生网络电源必须满足各种标准。厄瓜多尔vs塞内加尔实时比分安装小组一次只允许关闭一台空调机组,在升级过程中,数据中心不得关闭。 Thus the air-conditioning units were successively retrofitted during operation with adapted GreenTech EC centrifugal fans made of aluminium, which were installed in the ground. The investment is paying off. Across all units, the end customer is now enjoying average energy savings of 50 percent and reducing annual CO2 emissions by about 1,500 tonnes. The financial savings are approximately 336,000 EUR per year. The data centre now operates both more quietly and more reliably. As a result of not using the belt-driven fans, the noise and maintenance effort are reduced. Ian Shaw, Energy Manager at the facility management provider, states with satisfaction: “Not only were the energy savings exactly as predicted, there was actually no reason to carry out more detailed analyses, since monthly energy consumption is obviously so much lower.”




